Erin Donovan

Charlottesville gained national attention when the white supremacy rally took place on Aug. 12. After Charlottesville, the reporting has died down on these rallies. However, these rallies have continued and are continuing. On Sept. 30, a rally is coming close to Milligan, the location only being disclosed as “an hour outside of Knoxville.” The rally […]


If you ask almost any local or Milligan upperclassmen about Tree Streets, they will immediately tell you that you have to go. This event is part yard sale, part flea market, part thrifting experience, and it is nothing like anything you’ve experienced before. Over 15,000 people went through Tree Streets on Sept. 9. Sellers mostly […]


The Stampede got to sit down and talk with Student Government Association (SGA) president Gabe Logan and sponsor Dr. Amy Edmonds to hear their plans for this upcoming year. What could be considered both Logan’s and Edmonds’ best quality is their passion. They both are beyond excited for this upcoming year and the plans they […]


Brand New has a new album, released on August 19, and it is as good as the pun of Brand New’s brand new album. It’s called “Science Fiction,” which is more than a fitting title. It’s quirky, it’s kind of dark, and it’s a jam. It should be listened to with both headphones in, because […]


It is very apparent to anyone who comes in contact with senior and SGA president Gabriel Logan that he is the perfect fit for the Student Government Association (SGA). He has a passion for Milligan College and the community. Logan is a former basketball player with some serious titles under his belt. While in high […]


Watch out Tri-Cities; a local clothing brand is ready to take Tennessee, and the world, by storm. Two students at King University, Tani Houston, a sophomore digital media and business-marketing double major, and Marzuwq Bholai, a sophomore digital media design major, are the brains behind First North. They met last year at King University as […]
