Logan Taylor

Every student feels the pull of winter vacation, especially after the unique struggles of this semester.  However, finals give students plenty to stress about until then. Here are a few tips to help ease that final exam process and come out on the other side to a much needed break. Take some time off from […]


The year of 2020 has proven to be a time of uncertainty and change. Some of these changes have occurred on the Milligan campus to ensure the safety of faculty, staff and students But among the student body, freshman students’ perspectives of the school vastly differ from those of the seniors. Senior Callie Daniel is […]


Jeopardy, for over 30 years, entertained the likes of many who tuned in every night to watch the battles of wits between contestants. It was also evident that many tuned in to see the grandfatherly figure, Alex Trebek, host the show in a calm and cool manner which he became famous for. However, on Nov. […]


With the holiday season right around the corner, a familiar tradition will be returning to East Tennessee. Bristol Motor Speedway announced that its seasonal Christmas light show will begin on Nov. 13. The event will last until Jan. 2. This year marks the 24th season that this event has occurred. A long standing tradition for […]


During the Month of October, residents of Hart Hall collected socks for the poor from its local residents. The event went on from Oct. 4 to 18 and proved to be successful as 335 individual pairs of socks were collected. Megan Wagner, resident RA for the third floor, short hall, created and hosted the event […]


On Wednesday, Milligan University shut down for the day in order to give its student body a much needed mental health day. The announcement for the closure came out on Oct. 8 via a mass email sent out by President Bill Greer himself. The day off came as a much welcomed relief to the community […]


On Friday night, Milligan University’s  Women’s volleyball team battled it out against Bryan College. Bryan hosted the game on their campus in Dayton, Tennessee. The game concluded  with a loss for the Lady Buffs. The game lasted a total of four remarkably close sets. The sets ending with the scores 21-25, 20-25, 25-21, 18-25, only […]


Hopwood Christan Church has resumed in-person services. The first service took place on Sunday in accordance with COVID-19 regulations. More than 100 attendees gathered outdoors for fellowship. As the pandemic spread, places of worship changed the way services were held in order to decrease the chances of infection. This involved live streaming services and mandating […]


COVID-19 spread throughout the world at a rapid rate in the early months of 2020. Since its outbreak, scientists and health officials have worked to keep track of cases as efficiently as possible. Here are some of the most recent numbers. For the United States, there are close to 7 million active cases and close […]


Names and information of the individuals mentioned below have been omitted to ensure their protection. Stampede believes in reporting unbiased information but also believes in keeping the interviewees safe. On May 25, the world was changed by the death of a man by the name of George Floyd. An African American man, Floyd was killed […]
